Friday, June 13, 2008


Welcome to the Summer Photo Project 2008 group blog. Thank you for your interest in participating in what I hope to be a fun and inspiring time. Though I would love to take credit for this idea, I swiped it with permission from someone on Ravelry. The rules are simple. I will provide a list of things to photograph, and you take pictures of them. There are no wrong answers. Everything is up to how you interpret it. You may take one photograph, or 100 photographs. It's up to you. Every so often, I will provide a surprise theme that is not in the list. There is no time limit on the themes. If you want to add something to the list, just let me know. I will add items until June 30th, then will close the list. I think it would be too frustrating to have the list constantly changing.

The project will run from now until September 22. If interest is still high, we can compile a new list and start again.

I know that most of us know each other, but for those who don't let's begin by posting a brief introduction.

Finally, if you know of someone who is interested in joining us, don't hesitate to send me his e-mail and I will certainly invite him to join.

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